2 Warning Signs You Need To Repaint Your Home’s Exterior

7 November 2022
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Your home is likely one of your biggest investments. It's important to keep it in good condition by painting the exterior every few years. Here are a few warning signs that it might be time for a fresh coat of paint. The Exterior Paint Is Chipping  Chipped exterior paint is more than just an eyesore. It's a sign that your home's exterior needs a fresh coat of paint. Paint acts as a barrier between your home and the elements, and over time, exposure to sun, wind, and rain can take its toll. Read More 

4 Reasons Your Paint Often Peels

22 September 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Do you always have to redo painting around your office because it always peels after a few weeks? There is always a reason behind peeling paint—if not addressed, you will waste time, money, and effort repainting your office, only for the paint to peel again. Here are common reasons your paint peels. Mixing Incompatible Paints Paints are chemical solutions; thus, some don't bond well and shouldn't be used together. You shouldn't mix latex and oil-based paint. Read More 

3 Tips For Painting Your Home Before Summer Arrives

4 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

With summer around the corner, you may be thinking of ways to improve your home's curb appeal. Whether this is due to the nice weather encouraging you to spend time outside or because you would like to entertain guests, it's best to consider what a difference paint can make.  If you're curious about the work involved in exterior painting and want the best results, consider the following tips so your home can be ready to show off this summer. Read More 

How To Get Your Paint Job Done Quickly And Efficiently

23 June 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Painting an interior room of your home can be a lot of work for one person. It can be a lot to remove everything from your walls, clean them, get out all of the necessary tools and materials for the paint job, actually painting your walls, putting it all away, and finally replacing everything in the room or on your walls. All of this work can take time. Hiring a professional painter will help reduce much of this work, although you are still going to be responsible for cleaning walls and removing items from the room. Read More 

How To Paint Your Exterior With A Paint Sprayer

19 May 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Painting an entire exterior of a home can be a very difficult task and it can be very time consuming as well. Painting with a roller and a paintbrush can take you weeks, especially if you're doing it all on your own. Hiring an exterior painter can help speed up this process, as they usually have an entire team of painters to get the job done. To help you get the work done yourself, you can use a paint sprayer to do the work a little faster, although it will still be time consuming for you. Read More